Sharing available competences and fostering the transfer of knowledge about advanced technologies




This service is designed to ensure the most effective way to transfer knowledge. It can be theoretical, practical, complex, or specific (specific procedures or processes). The service we offer includes collecting and systematizing all the necessary information and data, analysis, and presentation of information in a form convenient for the customer. It is possible to convey information in writing, orally, or both in writing and orally.

We specialize in transferring knowledge in the following areas such as advanced technological solutions in agriculture, the food and beverage sector, preparation of applications, international networking, and image formation. However, we can ensure a quality process and another topic upon request.

We can prepare recommendations for your review based on an assessment of your organization on a specific topic.

Additionally, we offer the possibility of preparing a model of the knowledge transfer process of the collected information. This model would be helpful when sharing the gathered knowledge internally with other members of the organization. In some cases, we can implement this process on our own, depending on the request.


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